Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer of Meaninglessness

Why do all the adults complain about working long hours and living in a meaningless time but do nothing about it? I'm tried of hearing it. They moan about their lives and then they get old and moan about other people's lives.
I'm bored of just being. I want a war. I want to see democracy fall. I want to be alive to watch the world end. I want to see Judgement Day.
Maybe I need a hobby. I NEED something. Someone.
Just keep going something will happen. Something interesting. Something amazing.
I want to be a part of something bigger. I need to know there is something bigger than just me.
I need to know I'm not alone. That we're not alone, another generations of useless people.
The more useful inventions and gadgets get the more useless people become.

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